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Hi! I'm Pam

I'm a nature lover. There is nothing I look forward to more than getting up early in the morning and heading outside with a steaming cup of coffee to greet the day. Morning is hands down my favorite time of any day.

I'm an idea person, a creator of things. I love to observe my surroundings and figure out how to use my imagination and the inspiration I am getting at any given time from my observations, to create something of beauty that will bring me, my loved ones, and friends joy.

​I love beauty, and I believe it exists everywhere around us. I also believe that many of us pass so much of it by in our rush to conform to all that life and society expects of us.

I believe we take so much for granted and have lost the joy that we possessed in childhood that came from noticing and being mindful of our surroundings.

I deliberately spend time every day being mindful and grateful for all things in my life, both big and small, but focusing on the small, the things unnoticed or taken for granted.

I am an artist. There are few things I love to do more that discover an old surface to paint on, incorporate into one of my paintings, or use to create a frame. Whether it's an old worn panel of wood, a discarded table to, an old armoire door, a piece of rusted metal, or even a discarded church pew that has carvings and memories all over it. I grab it and spend time with it, letting the surfaces and patinas speak to me, directing me as to what it could become. I love to use mediums that are unusual or old paint that has been in the tube so long that I have to cut it open, old carbon paper, tar paper, rust scraped from old metal, or plaster. I believe that the ae you choose to bring into your home should speak to you and make you happy every time you look at it. I want to touch it, enjoy the textures and brushstrokes, forever discovering something new. I strive to embrace change and practice mindfulness in every aspect of my life. I want to still exist inside a part of my mind and heart as that small child who was always excited and open to discovery. 


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2020 My Artful Life

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